Saturday, 16 March 2013



Please note the change of date as follows:

Regional Trials for U/14, U/15 and U/16 will take place on 22 APRIL 2013 at Hoërskool Randburg and not 23 April as noted in the Information Booklet. 

Please make the necessary changes to your calendar.

Friday, 15 March 2013


The following u/17 players were selected to represent the Johannesburg Region at the GSS Trials, which will take place at HOëRSKOOL RANDBURG on SATURDAY, 13 APRIL 2013 from 14:00

If any of these girls are unable to play, they must notify the D12 committee as soon as possible so that we can afford another player this opportunity.

GOAL SHOOTERS                                                        CENTRES

Chante Hanekom           Maragon                                    Carla Devantier-du Plessis          Maragon

                                                                                    Crystal Buys                              Allen Glen

GOAL ATTACK                                                             WING DEFENCES

Danita Kruger                Florida                                      Zandile Malindi                           Allen Glen


WING ATTACK                                                            GOAL DEFENCES

                                                                                    Jessica St’Clair-Whicker              Roodepoort                                                                                Christien v Rensburg                  Florida

                                                                                    Nombuso Naves                              ?


Unelle Snyman               Florida

Melissa Jacobs               Florida

Jese van Damme           ?




The following u/17 players were selected to represent District 12 at the Regional Trials, which will take place at HOëRSKOOL RANDBURG on MONDAY, 18 MARCH 2013 from 14:00


GOAL SHOOTERS                                                       CENTRES

Christie Kleynhans*      Florida                                      Carla Devantier-du Plessis         Maragon

Chante Hanekom          Maragon                                   Crystal Buys                             Allen Glen

GOAL ATTACK                                                                        WING DEFENCES

Danita Kruger*             Florida                                      Zandile Malindi*                                    Allen Glen

Jamie-Lee Marais*        Burger                                      Monique Pretorius*                   Florida

WING ATTACK                                                           GOAL DEFENCES

Anri Hatting*                Florida                                      Jessica St’Clair-Whicker             Roodepoort

Nonpumelelo Jaca*       Maragon                                   Christien v Rensburg*               Florida


Unelle Snyman*                       Florida

Melissa Jacobs*                        Florida

TEAM UMPIRE                                                            TEAM SELECTOR
Maragon                                                                       Florida

D Maree                                                                      R Bezuidenhout
Chairperson                                                                  Trial Convenor

U/18 District 12 Regional Trials



The following U/18 players were selected to represent the Johannesburg Region at the GSS Trials, which will take place at HOëRSKOOL RANDBURG on SATURDAY, 13 APRIL 2013 from 14:00

If any of these girls are unable to play, they must notify the D12 committee as soon as possible so that we can afford another player this opportunity.

GOAL SHOOTERS                                                        CENTRES

-                                                                                   Thaby Simako                Florida

                                                                                    Zandile Vezi                   Burger


GOAL ATTACK                                                             WING DEFENCES

Chantel v/d Merwe         Florida                                      Marishea Schoeman       Florida

                                                                                    Theozanda Olien            Burger

WING ATTACK                                                            GOAL DEFENCES

Zhane Potgieter              Florida                                      -

Eugenie Hendricks          Roodepoort                               


Elfrieda Wheeler            Florida



The following U/18 players were selected to represent District 12 at the Regional Trials, which will take place at HOëRSKOOL RANDBURG on MONDAY, 18 MARCH 2013 from 14:00.

GOAL SHOOTERS                                                       CENTRES

Palesa Tau*                  Allen Glen                                 Thaby Simako*             Florida

Zukiswa Hlongwane*    Allen Glen                                 Zandile Vezi                  Burger


GOAL ATTACK                                                                        WING DEFENCES

Chantel v/d Merwe*      Florida                                      Marishea Schoeman*    Florida

Chantelle Theron          Maragon                                   Theozanda Olien           Burger


WING ATTACK                                                           GOAL DEFENCES

Zhane Potgieter*          Florida                                      Bontle Matshane           Adelaar

Eugenie Hendricks        Roodepoort                               Paballo Wessie              King School



Elfrieda Wheeler*          Florida

Leahandi v Rensburg*  Burger


TEAM UMPIRE                                                            TEAM SELECTOR

Allen Glen                                                                     Florida


D Maree                                                                      R Bezuidenhout

Chairperson                                                                  Trial Convenor


Sunday, 10 March 2013

D12 spog met 2012

Chanel van Wyngaardt (0/12) het Gauteng Netbalspan behaal

Foto geneem tydens 'n vriendskaplike wedstryd in Junie 2012.


5 dogters van L/s Florida is in die D12 netbalspan opgeneem .

Jordan Janse van Vuuren (0/13); Chanel van Wyngaardt (0/12); Chandri Malan (0/12); Monique Cronjé (0/13); Marelie van Niekerk (0/13)


0/13 A netbalspan 2012 ligawenners
Agter van links: Leah Venter (afrigter), Jordan Janse van Vuuren; Chenique Beneke; Monique Cronje; Marelie van Niekerk
Voor van links: Uwenique Bergh; Rochelle Hudson; Elindi Bezuidenhout; Chery-Lee Schoeman; Anel Otto
Foto geneem by skool 11 Mei 2012


Op Saterdag, 23 Februarie het 50 dames by Laerskool Roodekrans saamgetrek
om ‘n Netbal-Beginnerskursus by te woon.

Rosemary Swanepoel (van Hoërskool Florida) het hierdie kursus aangebied.  Ten einde die reëls en die spel beter te verstaan, het sy gebruik gemaak van uitstekende handleidings wat uiters waardevol vir kursusgangers was.
Die demonstrasie van reëls, vaardighede en speelwyses het verder bygedra om van hierdie kursus ʼn groot sukses te maak.

Verskeie aspekte van die spel is deeglik deur Rosemary gedek.  Sy is tans die afrigter van H/S Florida se eerste span, asook provinsiale afrigter met S A-gradering.  Die netbal-afrigters in die D12-Distrik is uiters bevoorreg om van sulke kundiges in ons direkte omgewing gebruik te maak.
Dit verseker dat D12-Netbal nou en in die toekoms, netbal van hoë gehalte en standaarde kan en sal handhaaf. 

Netbal floreer by Distrik D12

Die D12 Netbal uitvoerende-komitee het Maandag 21 Januarie alreeds hul beplanning afgerond vir die jaar se netbal.  Groot dinge word beplan vir die jaar, maar prioriteite is die opleiding van ’n nuwe generasie Netbalspeelsters. 
Daarom sorg die D12 Netbal komitee dat verskeie kursusse ook aan die afrigters aangebied word om sodoende op datum te bly met die nuutste tegnieke en afrigters-metodes.
2012 was die D12 distrik genomineer as een van die beste distrikte, maar in 2013 gaan ons poging wees om Netbal tot hoër hoogtes te laat gaan.  Onder die bekwame leiding van Mnr. David Maree is netbal in ons distrik gesond en toekomsgerig en strewe ons na die beste.

 D12 Netbalkomitee
David Maree, Di Woolley, Mariska Visser, Ethel Basson, Tanya Meyer, Noeline van Wyk, Ronel Bezuidenhout, Elmarie Steenekamp, Berna de Beer, Lana Volkwyn, Minette Venter en  Laura Barnard, Daleen Pommerel, Ria Swart, Marietjie Boddington

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Netball D12 Calender / Netbal D12 Kalender

MARCH 2013
4              Beginners rules discussion                                                               Florida
5              Selectors Workshop                                                                            Discovery
6              Umpires examination                                                                         Florida
7              Area Trials U/17 & U/18                                                                     TBC
9              Mini Netball Clinic                                                                               Maragon
12           District Trials & Grading     U/17 & U/18                                         Florida  
12           Area Trials U/12 & U/13                                                                     Florida
13           Area Trials U/14, U/15  U/16                                                             TBC
15           Umpires examination 2                                                                     Florida
19           District Trials & Grading     U/12 & U/13                                          Roodepoort
19           Regional Trials U/17 & U/18                                                              Randburg
APRIL 2013
8              District and Regional League Starts                                                                               
10           Regional Trials U/12 & U/13                                                              Roodepoort
13           GSS Trials U/17 & U/18                                                                      Randburg
16           District Trials & Grading U/14, U/15 & U/16                                    Florida
20           GSS Trials U/12 & U/13                                                                      EG Jansen
23           Regional Trials U/14, U/15 & U/16                                                   Randburg
25           L.S.E.N. District Trials and Grading                                                 Roodepark           
27           GSS Trials U/17 & U/18                                                                      Randburg
MAY 2013
2              LSEN Regional Trials                                                                         Roodepark           
4              GSS  Trials U/14, U/15 & U/16                                                          E G Jansen
16           Area Playoffs – Primary & Secondary Schools                             TBC                                       
21           Cluster Playoffs  Primary & Secondary Schools                           TBC
25           District and Regional League Ends
27           Executive Meeting                                                                               Maragon
28           District Playoffs  – Primary & Secondary Schools                        Maragon                               
29           GSS LSEN Trials                                                                                 Randburg
29           JOMO District Championships Primary & Secondary                  D2
31           Regional Champs Primary & Secondary Schools                        Randburg
JUNE 2013
1              Regional Champs Primary & Secondary Schools                        Randburg
4              Inter -Regional Development Tournament                                    Florida
7-8          GSS Primary Schools & L.S.E.N. Tournament                              E G Jansen
15-17     GSS Secondary Schools Tournament                                            E G Jansen
30           All Ages Tournament                                                                          Gauteng

JULY 2013
1-4          All Ages Tournament                                                                          Gauteng
26-27     SASN Primary School Championships                                          TBC
29           Executive Committee Meeting                                                         Maragon
2-4          SASN Secondary Schools Championships                                   TBC
6              Executive Committee Meeting                                                         Maragon
15           AGM                                                                                                       Roodepoort